Why Whisky Is Sexy

Why Whisky Is Sexy

Whisky was once seen as an older man’s drink, but its perception has changed a lot over the last few years. We now see whisky being used as a plot device in movies and TV shows to show that characters are cool and edgy, such as in recent James Bond films.

But why has the image of whisky become so sexy in recent years? We wanted to look at a few reasons.

Why Whisky Is Sexy

Here are four reasons why whisky is such an attractive drink.

1. Handle Your Liquor

Everyone knows that whisky is a strong drink. Anyone whose never had it before will surely let out a cough when they take their first large sip. Most whiskies are 40% ABV, but cask-strength whiskies can be much more than this.

Due to these reasons, any person or character seen drinking whisky is a sure sign that they can handle their liquor. It shows that they won’t be the ones that everyone needs to look after at the end of the night!

2. Smart but Edgy

For most people, whisky isn’t simply a means to get drunk. It’s something to be enjoyed and savoured. People that drink whisky will often know about the different types and know the subtleties between flavours.

That helps to give the impression of intelligence but in the form of drinking whisky. That edginess is something that many people find to be an attractive quality. It shows you’re smart but not nerdy.

3. Expensive Taste

It has become a common trope in movies and TV shows. Someone buying an expensive whisky and not caring about the cost. It shows that you have money to spend on the finer things in life, and that’s always a sexy quality!

There are even fairly common whiskies that cost thousands of pounds, such as this 25-year Macallan. It’s an expensive hobby, as drinking whisky doesn’t come cheap. Getting top-shelf whisky is a good way to impress someone at a bar.

4. A Little Mysterious

We get it, whisky isn’t for everyone. A lot of people can’t physically drink something that is so strong, let alone enjoy it. That gives those who drink whisky an air of mystery that the likes of beer drinkers don’t have.

This can be especially true for women who traditionally are less likely to drink spirits. Whisky has such history and tradition. Drinking it allows you to delve into that history with all its mystique.